
Knittin Patterns

Sony e-reader cover
Fits Sony ereader sized 11cm x 15cm
Finished cover is 12cm x 17cm.
I used 4mm circular needle and Sean Sheep wool from Big W

Cast on 60 stitches using magic cast on method. (I found this method on Youtube! Recommend it!)
Knit 1 row.
*Row 1: K2, p2, k4, p2, k4, p2, k4, p2, k4, p2, k2
Continue in patt
8th row: cable
K2, p2, cable 2 in front, p2, c2 in front, p2, c2 behind, p2, c2 behind, p2, k2*

This pattern ** repeated 4 times (or until ereader is covered!)
After last cable row, knit row 1 5 times, then change to a k2p2 rib for 4 rows. Cast off front panel, carry on with rib for 4 rows. Cast off flap.
Sew buttons to front panel, make 2 loops by casting on 10 stitches, then casting off. 

Phone cover:
4mm circular needle

Cast on 30 stitches in magic method. With 15 stitches on each needle work one row knit.
Next row: k2, p1, k4, p1, k4, p1, k2
Work this pattern for 5 rows.
Cable row. K2, p1, cable 2 in front, p1, cable 2 behind, p1, k2
This makes the pattern. Repeat  for 5 cables, then work 5 rows in the 1st pattern row. Change to k1p1 rib for 5 rows, cast off.